Dressage Training with
Claudia Tarlov
Turtle Hollow Farm is privileged to work with Turtle Hollow Dressage founder and trainer Claudia Tarlov.
USDF L* (with Distinction) graduate
USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist
Owner/Trainer of Turtle Hollow Dressage in Vero Beach since 2010 (previously located in Colchester, CT and founded in 1992)
Former Region 8 Council of Competitors
Former Education Coordinator for New England Dressage Association
Trained extensively Gunnar Ostergaard, Kathy Connelly, Henk van Bergen
USDF Gold Medal earned on self-trained horse from First level to Grand Prix
Horse purchase consultant with international contacts
Claudia resides in Vero Beach with her husband of forty-nine years Rob Tarlov. They have two children. Claudia especially enjoys working with adult amateurs and young riders.